Monroe Dziersk

Travel Gear Writer
Travel Luggage
Travel Gear
Travel Clothing


    • Monroe Dziersk, an American and German dual citizen, works in international higher education and travels in her free time.
    • She's traveled to 20+ countries and uses this experience testing travel gear to offer practical tips and recommendations for travel.
    • She loves finding practical, comfortable pieces that evoke the classy Italian aesthetic and work for any occasion.


Monroe's relentless pursuit of international travel has led her from growing up in Chicago, USA, to living in Prague, Czech Republic, and now Florence, Italy. With her experience traveling and living abroad, Monroe brings a unique perspective to her writing.   She shares expat advice on European apartment hunting and her favorite study spots in Prague. From living in the United States to Italy and Czechia, Monroe's expertise in navigating different cultures and lifestyles enriches her readers' understanding of the world.  


Monroe studied Classical Studies and Sociology at Elon University in North Carolina. During her undergrad, she spent a semester abroad in Florence, Italy and developed a deep connection to European culture. She then pursued a degree program in Prague, Czech Republic, further broadening her global perspective.  

Upcoming Projects & Goals

Inspired by her love for international living experiences, Monroe is dedicated to helping others embark on travel adventures. She specializes in luggage essentials and stylish wardrobe choices that blend comfort and sophistication seamlessly.